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licy, ac cessible fr om Web siteWhat Are Cookies
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mmon pr actice wi th al most all pr ofessional we bsites th is si te us es co okies, wh ich are ti ny fi les th at are do wnloaded to yo ur co mputer, to im prove yo ur ex perience. Th is pa ge de scribes wh at in formation th ey ga ther, how we use it and why we so metimes ne ed to st ore th ese co okies. We wi ll al so sh are how you can pr event th ese co okies fr om be ing st ored ho wever th is may do wngrade or 'b reak' ce rtain el ements of the si tes functionality.How We Use Cookies
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okies for a va riety of re asons de tailed be low. Un fortunately in mo st ca ses th ere are no in dustry st andard op tions for di sabling co okies wi thout co mpletely di sabling the fu nctionality and fe atures th ey add to th is si te. It is re commended th at you le ave on all co okies if you are not su re wh ether you ne ed th em or not in ca se th ey are us ed to pr ovide a se rvice th at you use.Disabling Cookies
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okies wh en you are lo gged in so th at we can re member th is fa ct. Th is pr events you fr om ha ving to log in ev ery si ngle ti me you vi sit a new pa ge. Th ese co okies are ty pically re moved or cl eared wh en you log out to en sure th at you can on ly ac cess re stricted fe atures and ar eas wh en lo gged in.Email ne
wsletters re lated cookiesThis si
te of fers ne wsletter or em ail su bscription se rvices and co okies may be us ed to re member if you are al ready re gistered and wh ether to zo fagddpqxu ce rtain no tifications wh ich mi ght on ly be va lid to su bscribed/unsubscribed users.Orders pr
ocessing re lated cookiesThis si
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me to ti me we of fer us er su rveys and qu estionnaires to pr ovide you wi th in teresting in sights, he lpful to ols, or to un derstand our us er ba se mo re ac curately. Th ese su rveys may use co okies to re member who has al ready ta ken pa rt in a su rvey or to pr ovide you wi th ac curate re sults af ter you ch ange pages.Forms re
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eferences cookiesIn or
der to pr ovide you wi th a gr eat ex perience on th is si te we pr ovide the fu nctionality to set yo ur pr eferences for how th is si te ru ns wh en you use it. In or der to re member yo ur pr eferences we ne ed to set co okies so th at th is in formation can be ca lled wh enever you in teract wi th a pa ge is af fected by yo ur preferences.Third Pa
rty CookiesIn so
me sp ecial ca ses we al so use co okies pr ovided by tr usted th ird pa rties. The fo llowing se ction de tails wh ich th ird pa rty co okies you mi ght en counter th rough th is site.This si
te us es Go ogle An alytics wh ich is one of the mo st wi despread and tr usted an alytics so lution on the web for he lping us to un derstand how you use the si te and wa ys th at we can im prove yo ur ex perience. Th ese co okies may tr ack th ings su ch as how lo ng you sp end on the si te and the pa ges th at you vi sit so we can co ntinue to pr oduce en gaging content.For mo
re in formation on Go ogle An alytics co okies, see the of ficial Go ogle An alytics page.As we se
ll pr oducts it 's im portant for us to un derstand st atistics ab out how ma ny of the vi sitors to our si te ac tually ma ke a pu rchase and as su ch th is is the ki nd of da ta th at th ese co okies wi ll tr ack. Th is is im portant to you as it me ans th at we can ac curately ma ke bu siness pr edictions th at al low us to mo nitor our ad vertising and pr oduct co sts to en sure the be st po ssible price.More Information
Hopefully th
at has cl arified th ings for you and as was pr eviously me ntioned if th ere is so mething th at you ar en't su re wh ether you ne ed or not it 's us ually sa fer to le ave co okies en abled in ca se it do es in teract wi th one of the fe atures you use on our site.However if you are st
ill lo oking for mo re in formation th en you can co ntact us th rough one of our pr eferred co ntact methods: